Saturday, 8 December 2012
Just in case you haven't noticed yet, look around [Up and
Sarcasti-Nation now has a new look! Months of dieting, hours
of workout, a couple of visits to the parlor, a bit of magic powder sprinkling
and abra-ca-dabra mumbling and - *poof*
the abandoned nation looks as good as the ex-girlfriend you regret being dumped
I'll start by keeping the promises that I've made a long
time back.
1. Changing to a self-made theme [Done]
2. Review of two books sent to me a long time back. [Done]
3. Posting regularly. [I'm on it]
So I'll hope my merciful readers will forgive me.
And now I feel like I've just begun.
~volviendo a la vida~
[The following review may contain words and opinions that
may incite disgust, outrage, and what not. The guidance of your conscience is
advised. If you proceed, make sure you keep all objects which could be used to
break the computer monitor (other than your fist, head, and vocabulary) away
from the computer. And as an added precautionary measure, please keep all sharp
objects, ropes, and poisonous chemicals, in the safe custody of someone who
isn't reading the article and doesn't want you to die, so that in case you feel
like killing yourself, you don't.]
Okay! This is going to be short. Because I don't want to
waste time on insulting a book as horrible as this one.
[The following review may contain words and opinions that
may incite disgust, outrage, and what not. The guidance of your conscience is
advised. If you proceed, make sure you keep all objects which could be used to
break the computer monitor (other than your fist, head, and vocabulary) away
from the computer. And as an added precautionary measure, please keep all sharp
objects, ropes, and poisonous chemicals, in the safe custody of someone who
isn't reading the article and doesn't want you to die, so that in case you feel
like killing yourself, you don't.]
Julian Mantle is back. And this time, he is hell bent on
spoiling the life of another man -